Detectable bucket

Detectable bucket

9 / 15 Ltr. capacity detectale bucket with inside graduations in Litres and UK/US Gallons.

Special designed pouring lip, heavy duty rim and storage function.
Hand-grip on back of bucket for easy pouring - big enough for gloved hands and high enough off floor to avoid scraping knuckles.
Easy to clean – smooth surfaces, no internal or external sharp angles.

All parts of this detectable product are made of metal detectable materials.

Available in several colours to enable colour coding.

Blue colour to make it visually detectable as blue contrasting colour normally does not occur in food products.

Detectability of our products depends on metal detector settings, and type of food products produced (product composition, size, humidity etc.). Therefore, each detectable product MUST be tested on your detectors before being put into production.

Product codeProduct optionColours available
70101detectable bucket 15L
70111detectable lid for bucket 15L
70102detectable bucket 9L
70112detectable lid for bucket 9L

Detectable products tested on LOMA metal detectors loma logo